As of January 2025, I have limited availability to take on new clients after school and on weekend mornings. I also have other excellent child therapists who work at the Mill Hill Therapy Hub on different days who I can refer you to and I am also available for parenting phone calls.

If you have decided you are interested in therapy for you or your child, please book straight into my Calendly for an evening call at 9pm Monday-Thursday or a daytime call on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. Please provide a summary of the current issue in the description including your child’s age and school. Here is a payment link just in case.

Once we have worked out if therapy sounds like the right course of action for you or your child, we would set up a convenient weekly or fortnightly 50-minute slot for you to come to my therapy room at the Mill Hill Therapy Hub in Mill Hill, north-west London.

When working with children, we usually start with three or six sessions and then keep assessing from there if a child should continue.


My standard fee for a 50-minute session is £90.

I am not registered with any private health insurance providers, so all fees will need to be paid by the families that I work with.

Children who attend or have attended the Orion Primary School and Goldbeaters Primary School will be able to receive therapy from me at a vastly reduced rate. It is crucial we all have access to mental health support for ourselves and our children.

Phone calls

Phone calls are charged at £40 for 30 minutes or £70 for 60 minutes.

Cancellation policy

Sessions cancelled with less than 48 hours’ notice will be charged in full.

Professional letters

Referral or recommendation letters for school, GPs or any other professional are charged at £45.